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This article is published by Cloud + Community

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This paper mainly describes how to deploy Django and Vue step by step in the production environment. The operating system defaults to centos.

ExplainThe following strings in the following passage all represent specific paths or names, meaning as follows:

  • DJANGO_DIR — Represents the engineering root directory of Django
  • DJANGO_NAME — Represents the engineering name of Django
  • VUE_HTML_DIR — Represents the Vue compiled index. HTML path
  • VUE_STATIC_DIR — Represents the path of static folder compiled by Vue

A common web framework diagram is shown in the following figure

Framework selection. jpg

We use nginx + uwsgi to drive Django because uwsgi has very high performance



Use Yum to install


At this time, enter the corresponding IP address to the browser, and the following page appears to indicate that the installation is successful.


Modify configuration files

Nginx can create a new configuration, put it in the project directory, do not modify the default configuration of nginx for the time being, the port number can be changed, and then a new soft link in / etc / nginx / conf. D / points to the configuration file, so that nginx reads the configuration together when reading the configuration. In this way, the request to access port number 8080 will point to our own configuration.

In this configuration, uwsgi_pass points to the interface bound by uwsgi.(Let’s first assume that uwsgi is configured with port 9090)


Installation with Yum or pip

However, it should be noted that if you run uwsgi, the following error occurs

Uwsgi installed mainly with yum, lacking plugin of python, can install corresponding plug-ins

To configure

Uwsgi can be started either from the command line or from the configuration file. It is recommended to start the daemon using the configuration file, which reads as follows

Here, uwsgi runs in socket form and binds the local port 9090, which is the port specified by uwsgi_pass in the nginx configuration above.

Explain the meaning of several configurations roughly:

  1. Chdir – Apply chdir to the specified directory before loading, usually set to django‘s engineering root directory
  2. Touch-reload — If the specified file is modified/touched, then uWSGI is overloaded
  3. Module — The path to load a WSGI module, and if Django points to the corresponding WSGI file module
  4. Buffer-size — Sets the maximum size of the request (excluding request-body), which is generally mapped to the size of the request header. By default, it’s 4k. If you receive a larger request (for example, with a large cookie or query string), you may need to add it. It’s also a security metric, so tune it for your application needs, not for maximum output. If the value is too small, it will report an error.

The meaning of specific parameters can be found in official documents.

Then use the command to start the uwsgi process, where uwsgi.ini is the configuration file for the above content.

You can see if the log file has any errors, or you can seeps -ef grep uwsgiHas the process started? Make sure the process runs properly.

So far, DJANGO has been accessible through nginx + uwsgi

In fact, there are many ways to access compiled Vue static files, this article mainly describesDirect access through nginxandAccess via Django routing

Access via Django routing

In fact, we can also access Vue pages directly through http://ip:8080/, via Django routes. Of course, to do this, you need to ensure that the following configuration is correct

Find urls.py under DJANGO_NAME folder with the same name in DJANGO_DIR root directory, create the simplest template controller using general view, and add one line routing

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Such accesshttp://ip:8080/It returns index. HTML directly.

The previous step used Django’s template system, so you need to configure the template so that Django knows where to find index. html. Under settings.py in the project directory:

After completing the above configuration, you can access index. HTML in the VUE_HTML_DIR directory compiled by the corresponding Vue through http://ip:8080/, combined with nginx and uwsgi, which have been previously configured. But at this time, you may have other problems, such as the lack of CSS style files, which is often caused by static configuration misleading to the lack of static files.

Django manages static files through django. contrib. static files. First, ensure that django. contrib. static files have been added to INSTALLED_APPS.

The following configurations can then be added to the DJANGO configuration file settings.py:

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  • STATIC_URLThe URL address of static when providing external WEB access
  • STATIC_ROOTSet an absolute path to save the collected static files, and the server will eventually retrieve the files from the path for forwarding. When collectstatic runs, it willSTATICFILES_DIRSThe static files are copied into this directory to transplant the static files from the development environment to the production process.
  • STATICFILES_DIRSUsed to configure the addresses of static files generated in some development environments, i.e. compiled VUE_STATIC_DIR

Add routing to url.py

After configuring the above configuration, the compiled static file is still there.VUE_STATIC_DIRIn the directory, we finally have to execute the following commands to get theSTATICFILES_DIRSCopy static files toSTATIC_ROOTPc casino games free download. This directory is the storage directory of the static specified by the final production environment.

So why not copy the files in the built VUE_STATIC_DIR manually, because App: admin of Django also has some static files (css, js, etc.) which will be collected together. After all, nginx only recognizes the static files of the project and directory, and it does not know where Django put its own requirement files.

So when you visit django’s admin address http://ip:8080/admin, you won’t have the problem of not finding css.

Of course, this way is to access static files through Django routes. Generally, the production environment will not forward static files through django, but through other servers, such as nginx, apache, etc. So we need to reconfigure the configuration file of nginx, add the following configuration path to 8080 server

In this way, access to static files will be directly accessed through nginx, without worrying about the slow processing speed of Django caused by static file access.

Direct access through nginx

If you want to access the corresponding front-end Vue file directly through nginx, you can reconfigure a server to access the corresponding HTML file. For example, port 8080 has been used above. We can configure a server with the default port 80, where root can point to the path where the index. HTML file is stored./static/The root path under the path can point to the static folder corresponding to HTML where CSS and JS are stored. If the static is in the index. HTML path, it can also be unidentified. Just modify / etc / nginx. conf directly. There is already a server with 80 ports configured.

The configuration is as follows

This allows us to access Vue compiled pages through http://ip:80/, using http://ip:8080/to access django-configured CGI requests

Uwsgi has been used above, and redis and celery may be used later. They all need to start daemons, and celery itself does not support daemons. So how to manage so many processes, then consider Supervisor


Use pip to install

To configure

We can configure redis, celery, uwsgi to go in, as below


Start supervisor to enter the following command and execute it with a specific configuration file:

Logic pro x used. To close supervisor, you need to go through supervisor’s controller: Casino club online.

Restart supervisor is also a controller through supervisor:

Some special variables

Note: If the command contains, it needs to be escaped%%

If you do not specify process_name for multiple processes, you will encounter the following errors

* 8107 recv () failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client error

Using Django + uwsgi + nginx, the following errors were found

I finally found a reference to fastcgi and a 502 bad gateway error (https://support.plesk.com/hc/…). That lead me to look for a buffer size limit in the uwsgi configuration which exists as buffer-size. The default value is 4096. From the documentation, it says: If you plan to receive big requests with lots of headers you can increase this value up to 64k (65535).

This means that one of the configurations in uwsgi is buffer-size, which indicates the maximum request size received. The default is 4096, which can be changed to 65535.

This article has been authorized by the author to be published by Tencent Cloud + Community

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