The Scum Mac OS


The Macalope and his editor agonized over how to approach this. We really did. There are some people who are so callous and self-absorbed that they don’t even deserve the direct attention our scorn would give them. On the other hand, not giving their names allows them to continue to perpetrate their atrocities without consequence. That’s not right, either.

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It’s a sad fact of life that there are inveterate jerks who will take the death of a man (however flawed) like Steve Jobs, and try to use it for personal gain, or just as a self-righteous and hate-filled attack on the values of those who cared about him.

But here we are.

This isn’t an argument over tech specs or market share or the normal baloney we discuss ad nauseam every week. This is about the life’s work of a man who was passionate about what he did, and whose passion created tools that changed people’s lives and created an economy that fostered people’s livelihoods.

So today there will be no links and no quotes. You don’t need to hear the ridiculous blathering of these people. You just need to know who they are so the next time someone at work suggests using the “branding” firm of Siegel+Gale or that you read an article on Gawker, you can feel free to push them into an open volcano.

To David Srere, the “branding expert” who no one ever heard of before he sent out a press release declaring this the “first day of the decline of Apple” and asking if journalists would be interested in interviewing him: No one gives a crap about your uninformed opinions. Here’s a little brain teaser for you, David: Of what value is the “branding” opinion of a man who’s so eager to pimp himself that he sees the death of Steve Jobs as an opportunity, without realizing what that says about how cheap his own “brand” is?

The Scum Mac Os X

Don’t wrack your brain, David. The answer is “zero.” Adobe cs6 photoshop crack download.

To Hamilton Nolan, the punk at bottom-feeding “gossip” site Gawker, who claims to have never used an Apple product but feels no qualms about lecturing us on how ridiculous our mourning of Steve Jobs is: Maybe the people who make the products you use don’t mean anything to you because their products suck. Ever think of that? Or, another thought, maybe they don’t mean anything to you because you’re dead inside. Also worth considering.

This piece is so mean-spirited that it’s hard to quantify. Jeez, he just made products, people, stop getting all emotional. You know, Gawker and Nolan could have said nothing. They could have simply let people express their feelings and quietly rolled their eyes. Or, they could have found a way to raise their complaint about mourning a titan of industry more than an unsung hero of civil rights without trying to take a giant crap on people who genuinely admired Steve Jobs, and were directly affected by his vision. But they didn’t do that. Why? Because taking a giant crap on people who felt something that Nolan and Gawker thought was stupid wasn’t an unfortunate side effect of the story, it was the goal.

Correct the Macalope if he’s wrong, but if Nolan is so concerned about civil rights, shouldn’t he be writing about that instead of gossip? Maybe the reason people mourned Steve Jobs more than Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth is that there are too many jackasses like Nolan trying to turn the business of technology into a high-school drama.

Steve Jobs lived large, affected the lives of millions, and left us too young. So sorry if the fact that we find that sad bothers your tender sensibilities. So very terribly sorry.

As a chaser to this disgusting shot of rotgut, the Macalope will leave you with the words of Stephen Fry, who eloquently sums up people like Nolan that consider themselves too smart to use Apple products:

Only dullards crippled into cretinism by a fear of being thought pretentious could be so dumb as to believe that there is a distinction between design and use, between form and function, between style and substance. If the unprecedented and phenomenal success of Steve Jobs at Apple proves anything it is that those commentators and tech-bloggers and “experts” who sneered at him for producing sleek, shiny, well-designed products or who denigrated the man because he was not an inventor or originator of technology himself missed the point in such a fantastically stupid way that any employer would surely question the purpose of having such people on their payroll, writing for their magazines or indeed making any decisions on which lives, destinies or fortunes depended.

[Editors’ Note: In addition to being a mythical beast, the Macalope is not an employee of Macworld. As a result, the Macalope is always free to criticize any media organization. Even ours.]

< Compiling ScummVM

This page explains how to compile your own version of ScummVM for macOS. See also Compiling ScummVM/iPhone for iOS based devices.

Compiling ScummVM under macOS

Compiling ScummVM under macOS requires setting up the build environment first, and then compiling the sources either via command line, or the Xcode GUI.

Things needed


This can be installed from the Mac App Store.

Xcode command line tools

After installing Xcode, open a terminal and type:

Package manager

Getting the required libraries is easier with a package manager. The three most well-known ones are Homebrew, MacPorts, and Fink.

1. Homebrew (recommended)

Install Homebrew by pasting the following into a terminal:

2. MacPorts

Install MacPorts by downloading and running the installer from the MacPorts installation page.

Obtaining the required libraries

After downloading the Xcode command line tools and a package manager, enter the following command to install all the required libraries:

The Scum Mac Os Catalina

1. Homebrew

2. MacPorts

4. Manual compilation

The Scum Mac Os Download

Get the source code from the libraries. With this method you will not only need to get the libraries ScummVM uses directly, but also those they depend on.

  • Required:
    • SDL 2 or 1.2 (prefer SDL 2 unless you are on a very old version of MacOS X)
  • Optional:
    • giflib Use giflib 5.1.4 as versions 5.1.5 to 5.2.1 (the latest as of this note) do not compile on macOS. Alternatively see the patch in
    • For cloud support:
      • SDL_net 2 or 1.2 (use same version as SDL)
    • For Freetype
    • For Fluidsynth
    • For FriBiDi

All the libraries are compiled and installed in the same way:

The default installation path is /usr/local, but you will need admin privileges to install the libraries in this location.

If you want your compilation to be compatible with older systems, use the -mmacosx-version-min flag (for example -mmacosx-version-min=10.5). To force compilation in 32 bits use -arch i386. You can do that by setting environment variables before compiling all the libraries and ScummVM:

bzip2 is an exception. There is no configure and you directly call make with options. For example:

If you plan to build the ScummVM app bundle, you will need to generate static libraries. For most of the libraries this is done by default, but for a few you need to specify you want static libraries when invoking configure. Here are suggested configure options for each library. If the library is not listed in the table below this means the default is fine.

Libraryconfigure flagsComments

Need to add -std=gnu89 to CFLAGS (for example 'export CFLAGS='-std=gnu89' before invoking configure)

FLAC--enable-static --disable-asm-optimizations
  • Need to edit configure before running it to remove flag -fforce-addr
  • Examples do not compile with libpng 1.6

Compiling ScummVM via the command line

Configuring ScummVM

Run the configure script:

If no errors come up, you should be ready to compile ScummvM.For a list of optional features (e.g. additional, not yet enabled engines) run:

Here is a list of some options you may want to use:

  • --enable-all-engines or --enable-engine=foo,bar to enable unsupported engines (not compiled by default)
  • --with-staticlib-prefix=/path/to/install/dir if your libraries are not in a standard place (e.g. you compiled the libraries manually with a custom installation directory). This is only used when building the application bundle.
  • --enable-updates --with-sparkle-prefix=/path/to/sparkle to enable Sparkle (disabled by default). The path should be the path to the directory that contains the Sparkle.framework and not the path to the Sparkle.framework itself.

Note: If you want to use Sparkle, there are some additional steps to do such as setting up DSA signatures. See [1] for details. ScummVM expects to find the DSA public key in dist/macosx.dsa_pub.pem.

Compiling ScummVM

Just run make (with -j to compile several files in parallel, usually number of your virtual CPUs+2). For example, for a 2 core CPU:

or -j18 for a 16-core CPU (including hyperthreaded cores).

To recompile everything and not just the modified files:

Installing ScummVM

You can run ScummVM from the command line in the build directory:

You can also generate an application bundle and move this one anywhere you want:

Some features such as dock integration are only available if you build the bundle.

Also if you run scummvm from the command line, you will need to set the Theme path in the ScummVM options so that it finds the modern theme. The themes are in gui/themes/ in the source code repository.

Important note about SDL2

The scummvm compilation assumes that the bundle uses the static SDL library. However if you have both a dynamic and static SDL2 library, SDL2 by default will instruct to use the dynamic library. To make bundles that work on other computers you can do one of two things:

  1. Locate the installed sdl2-config script (for example /usr/local/bin/sdl2-config) and edit the line after --static-libs), replace echo -L${exec_prefix}/lib -lSDL2 with echo ${exec_prefix}/lib/libSDL2.a (and preserve the rest of the line). This needs to be done before you make the bundle.
  2. After creating the bundle, copy the dynamic libSDL2 to the bundle and instruct the executable where to find it:

Doing that is not needed if you are only going to use the ScummVM application on the same computer you compiled it on.

Compiling ScummVM via the Xcode GUI

Creating an Xcode project

  • Compile create_project:
  • Run create_project from the root ScummVM directory:

Note that `create_project` accepts most of the same flags that `configure` accepts.

Build the Xcode project

  • Open the Xcode project
  • Go to Product -> Scheme and set the scheme to 'ScummVM-macOS'
  • Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Run tab -> Options tab and uncheck 'Allow debugging when using document Versions Browser'
  • If the required libraries (such as SDL2) are not in /usr/local, you will need to update the Header Search Paths and Library Search Paths build settings in Xcode.
  • Build with Product -> Build or Product -> Run

Further reading

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